To be an effective leader, you must disrupt your preconceived notions on how money works.
With the DIGITAL Disruptive Thinker's Essential Planner, you can and you will fearlessly pay off debt, track spending, build up savings, budget, and set goals from 2023- 2026, all from the convenience of your mobile devices!
Enjoy all the incredible offerings within our Disruptive Thinker Essential Planner digitally!
Plan ahead for your financial future in the next three years TODAY.
After purchasing, you will receive two emails-one to confirm your purchase with your order number and one with your downloadable link.
FAQs: The Digital Disruptive Thinkers Essential Planner is an editable PDF file that must be downloaded before editing.
- Use table of contents to quickly go to page of choice.
- Type in your notes, important dates, budgets, check off lists, etc.
- Compatible with both MacBooks and Windows PCs.
- Compatible with both IPhone and Android.
- Can add emojis on IPhone but not on Android.
- Compatible on iPads.